Dating Sim Concepts

Dating sim concepts made in collaboration with Julian Quijano at PAX Dev 2019.

Concept art made by him, Julian’s work found here.


virus dating sim

The first idea I had was for a dating sim wherein the player controls a virus. The virus courts and woos other strains in an attempt to mutate/breed into a stronger virus. World domination is the ultimate goal.

I pitched this idea in September 2019… IT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE A BLUEPRINT. Sorry everyone.


Greek dating sim

If you know Julian Quijano, you know Monster Prom. It’s a great dating sim where the player chooses from a cast of classic monsters. Each monster also represents a “High-Schooler” archetype- the jock, the nerd, the mean girl, etc.

For my second pitch, I pitched something more his speed. I connected the dots between the traditional Greek Gods and college’s “Greek Life”.



Each character would stay true to the traditional Greek mythos while juggling life as a student. Zeus would be the “frat-bro”, Poseidon would be the star athlete (swimmer, of course), Hades would be the misunderstood misanthrope, etc.

Julian developed a character concept and a gameplay mockup.

 Artwork by julian quijano